Spruce tree, Sequoia National Forest, USA

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Spruce tree, Sequoia National Forest
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Lat: 36.0103 Lon: -118.3736 Elev(m): 2707

The Spruce also called Picea is a coniferous tree found in the northern hemisphere. But teh can also found a bit more southern than that in Mexico and Taiwan.

A good way to differantiate a spruce tree from a fir tree is to simply feel the needles. A Spruce tree’s needles are sharp and stingy and sit on little wooden stems on the branch while a fir trees needles are more smooth. Its also possible to taste a spruce by boiling its needles to a healthy tea. The Captain James Cook also used spruce shoots to brew an alcoholic beverage, rich in Vitamin C ,to keep his crew members healthy.

Looking at the numbers the spruce is one of the taller trees with a height that can range from 20 up to 60 metres.

The title of the planet’s oldest tree of the world is currently held by a spruce called Old Tjikko, a Spruce located in the swedish region of Dalarna whose roots are 9550 years old.

Also the spruce played also an important role in aviation history since it was spruce wood the Wright brothers used for their first working the Flyer in 1903.

Tree Data:

Caption Spruce tree, Sequoia National Forest
Credits Phenocam Network, site_acknowledgements: Camera images from Sherman Peak are provided courtesy of the Sierra Wildland Fire Reporting System, National Park Service, and USDA Forest Service.
Country USA
Region California
Timezone (UTC offset) -8